Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. Aviation Activities in the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF)


Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. Aviation Activities in the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF)


Summary: Coverage of the activities of the following Aero Squadrons during World War I: 1st, 2nd, 12th, 13th, 24th, 99th, 103rd, 132nd, 135th, 139th, 147th, 148th, 185th, and 258th; the 88th and 284th Observation Squadrons, and the 9th Reconnaissance Sqdn. Reel 1: Series of shots of pilot and ground crewman standing beside an American Sopwith F-1 Camel, parked in a row of 15 aircraft -- ground crewmen are standing in front of the aircraft holding onto rope attached to wheel chock. The aircraft engines are running, then several aircraft start to taxi and three aircraft take off. 64') AMS FV DH-9 in flight -- camera pans down from aircraft, past clouds, to an airfield. 94') Several AV's of four Sopwith Camels in flight to the right. AMCU right FV Sopwith Camel in flight to the right. 129') MLS to MCU Sopwith F-1 Camel diving toward and passing over camera and out upper frame (three takes). 139') LS FV Sopwith F-1 Camel in flight low over hangars and parked Sopwith F-1's, then aircraft banks out left frame. 144') MS pan left with Sopwith F-l Camel taxiing after landing -- ground crewman enters left frame, waits for aircraft to pass him, then runs after it -- aircraft and ground crewman pass out left frame. 150') MLS to MS pan left with ground crewmen running toward an up-ended Sopwith F-1 Camel -- ground crewmen help the pilot, Lt. Elliott W. Springs, out of the cockpit. 173') MS mechanics and ground crewmen righting the Sopwith F-1 Camel. 208') MS pan right, pilots of the 148th Aero Squadron standing beside a building. 229') MS pan left, mechanics of the, A, B, and C flights of the 148th Aero Squadron, standing in front of three parked Sopwith F-1 Camels -- hangars in bg. 254') MS members of a flight of the 148th Aero Squadron standing beside a Sopwith F-1 Camel, left to right: Lt. L. T. Wyly; Lt. L. W. Rabe; Lt. F. E. Kindley, Flight Commander, holding his mascot, a bulldog named Fokker; Lt. W. B. Knox; and Lt. J. A. Creech. 268') MCU Lt. Field E. Kind1ey, "A" Flight Commander, standing beside nose of a Sopwith F-1 Camel -- his bulldog mascot, Fokker, is on the aircraft propeller. 279') MS members of the flight standing in front of a Sopwith F-1 Camel, left to right: Lt. R. R. Cunnius; Lt. S. Q. Noel; Lt. E. W. Springs, Flight Commander; Lt. L. K. Callahan; Lt. O. A. Ralson; and Lt. J. Jenkinson, Jr. 294') MCU Lt. E. W. Springs, "B" Flight Commander, leaning against the wing of a Sopwith F-1 Camel, smoking a cigarette and reading a newspaper. 310') MS pan left to show members of "C" flight, left to right -- Lt. W. P. Avery; Lt. L. C. Bissel; Lt. G. A. Whiting; Lt. Henry R. Clay, Flight Commander; Lt. E. H. Zistell; Lt. T. L. Moore; Lt. G. O. Dorsey; and Lt. T. M. Ga1breath. 324') MCU Lt. Henry R. Clay, "C" Flight Commander, leaning on the wing of a Sopwith F-l Camel. 335') MCU Lt. Morton L. Newhall, Commanding Officer, 148th Aero Squadron, leaning against the wing of a Sopwith F-1 Camel -- his mascot, a German shepherd named Shadow, is on the wing of the aircraft. 345') MS left FV three Breguet 14 A.2 bombers, engines running, parked in a row -- four ground crewmen are standing, two at each wing, in front of the first aircraft. 358') Sequence of shots of two ground crewmen mounting 155mm bombs under the wing of a Breguet 14 A.2 bomber as a lieutenant looks on (Clermont, France, 14 June 1918). 417') MCU of a l55mm bomb as it is fused by an officer. 437') MCU SV airman in a Breguet 14 A.2 winding up bomb release mechanism, looking into sighting instrument, and pressing trigger which releases the bomb. 456') MCU a bar with pegs on it turning in the wing of the Breguet 14 A.2 bomber -- this is the device which releases the bomb from the wing of the aircraft -- an officer closes hatch over bomb release device in wing. 469') MCU four officers holding four different types of shells, left to right: 1l5mm, 115 long, 115 short, and 75mm. 481') LS low angle, pan right with five bi-winged World War I-type aircraft in flight and passing out right frame. 491') Series of shots of three Air Service personnel, one looking at sky with binoculars, and the two others sitting at a table -- one man is drawing lines inside a large circle drawn on a sheet of paper beside a "Camera Obscura" (the camera obscura is a device with a lens pointed toward the sky and produces an image of an airplane as it flies overhead -- the camera is the objective at which trainee bombardiers fire a Very pistol). Shows a scene of an Air Service man inside of the "Camera Obscura" plotting the course of an aircraft. 545') Several scenes of two Air Service lieutenants holding and looking through the old and new Michelin bombsight -- the old type is on the left; the new type, on the right. MLS left SV a Breguet l4 A.2 flies through scene low over the ground and passes out left frame. 576') MLS six 75mm bombs exploding in a field. 589') MLS pan right, buildings and hangars at Aerial Bombing School, Cazaux, Gironde, France, 30 December 1918. An aircraft resembling a Farman F-40 with floats taxiing on water at beginning of scene -- water in fg. 636') MS a bi-winged twin engine three-man Letord aircraft with engines running, parked -- several ground crewmen are standing in the right frame. AV's of the Aerial Bombing School at Cazaux, France and of Camp Hunt -- shows the pilots and two cameramen in the Letord bi-winged aircraft 30 December 1918. 713') MLS barracks on either side of the street in Camp Hunt. 718') MCU French Naval gunner firing a Lewis 30 calibrated machine gun mounted in a wooden frame as several French Air Service and Naval personnel look on -- hangars and other buildings in bg. 728') MLS high angle, pan right to show warehouses at Camp Hunt. 740') MS four men carrying supplies from a building and loading them into the back of a truck. 752') MLS high angle, pan right to show warehouses at Camp Hunt. 771') ALS of Camp Hunt. 781') MS left SV a Letord bi-motored aircraft taxiing left, executing a 90 degree right turn, and taxiing right -- ground crewmen are holding onto wing of aircraft at end of scene. 800') MS pan right, mechanics of the 99th Aero Squadron sitting and standing beside two parked Salmson 2 A.2's, 11 August 1918, Dogneville, France. 812') MCU Lt. G. C. Kahle, standing beside wing of Salmson 2 A.2 putting on flying helmet. 832') MS left FV Lt. Kahle and Lt. F. A. Hill, observer, climbing into cockpit of Salmson 2 A.2. 851') MS Lt. Hill puts ammunition canisters on twin machine gun mount in rear cockpit of Salmson 2 A.2, tests machine gun mount, then is handled an aerial camera by a ground crewman. 880') MCU low angle, two ground crewmen testing the action of one of the machine guns of a Salmson 2 A.2. 898') MS to MLS RV the Salmson 2 A.2 taxiing away from camera. 904') MS right SV Salmson 2 A.2 making its takeoff run and passing out right frame. 909') MS FV ground crewmen turning prop on Salmson 2 A.2 as then engine starts. 919') MLS right SV a Salmson 2 A.2 taking off. 932') MCU Lt. Frank A. Llewellyn standing beside a Salmson 2 A.2 putting on flight goggles. 940') MLS RV Salmson 2 A.2 in flight low over ground just after takeoff. 942') MCU Lt. Frank A. Llewellyn standing beside a Salmson 2 A.2 putting on goggles. 950') MS RV ground crewman turning prop on Salmson 2 A.2 as observer tests machine gun mount in rear cockpit. 968') MLS to MS low angle, Salmson 2 A.2 in flight low over ground and toward and over camera. 972') LS low angle, pan left with Salmson 2 A.2 in flight. 980') MCU Lt. M. C. Markham and Lt. L. S. Powell viewing paper iron crosses pasted over bullet holes in the horizontal stabilizer of their Salmson 2 A.2 -- a second Salmson 2 A.2, ground crewmen, and hangar in bg. MS RV of aircraft ground crewman pushing a damaged Salmson 2 A.2 over grassy field toward camera at Dogneville, France, 26 August 1918. 999') Total footage in reel. Reel 2: MS SV pan right to show 15 American built DH-4's lined up in a row, one behind the other, pilots and observers are lined up in fg -- this is the start of the first flight over German lines by American built planes which are piloted by American flyers, Ourches, France, 9 August 1918 (135th Aero Squadron). 30') MLS ground crewmen turning propeller on a DH-4 -- a tent, an automobile, and ground crewmen in bg. 35') MLS FV a staggered row of nine DH-4's -- several of the aircraft engines are running. 38') MS right SV pan right with DH-4 taxiing -- two ground crewmen in bg. 49') MS right FV DH-4 starting takeoff run and passing out right frame. 53') Series of shots of nine DH-4's taking off singly. 107') MS a Spad 13 taxiing away from camera -- ground crewmen in fg. 113') MLS to MS DH-4 taking off and passing out right frame. 118') MS FV DH-4 with engine running -- ground crewman enters right frame and leans on left wing of aircraft. 123') MS DH-4 taxiing away from camera. l29') MLS right SV Spad 13 taking off and flying out right frame. 132') MS Salmson 2 A.2 flies through scene and passes out right frame. l34') MLS to LS pan right with Salmson 2 A.2 in flight low over ground and climbing -- three parked aircraft and hangar in fg at end of pan. 154') MLS pan with DH-4 taxiing to the right on grassy field -- aircraft executes a 90 degree turn and camera pans left with the aircraft taxiing. 172') MS to MLS pan left with Salmson 2 A.2 taxiing to the left on a grassy field. 183') MS pan left, officers of the 12th Aero Squadron, standing in front of a Breguet 14 A.2 at Ourches, France, 17 May 1918. 216') MCU the oldest Air Service flying team in France, Capt. Elliot P. Hinds, pilot, age 47, and Lt. John C. Lundsdan, observer, age 42, standing in front of and climbing into the cockpit of a Breguet 14 A.2 -- both are members of the 12th Aero Squadron. 242') LS right SV pan right with Breguet 14 A.2 in flight to the right -- camera pans down to a group of general staff officers standing on a hill near end scene. 270') MLS low angle, pan up with Breguet 14 A.2 in flight -- trees in fg. 279') MS pan right on a street in the village of Chatel-sur-Mozelle, France. Several officers and soldiers are walking on the street and two trucks are parked on the street, fountain in fg at end of pan, 24 June 1918. 300') MS pan right with a tractor pulling a drag over the landing field of the 12th Aero Squadron at Vathimenil, France, 16 June 1918. 307') Two MS's pan right with Breguet 14 A.2 taking off from grass fleld -- two other Breguet 14 A.2's parked in bg at beginning of first scene. 323') MS pan right to show members of the 13th Aero Squadron: Capt. C. J. Biddle, Commanding Officer; Lt. Hoby; H. A. Baker; Lt. C. M. Jones; Lt. A. A. Brody; Lt. G. P. Kull; Lt. H. B. Freeman; Lt. L. Brewer; Lt. R. R. Converse; Lt. C. W. Drew; Lt. J. J. Seerley; Lt. F. F. Taggert, who is holding a box; Lt. E. F. Richards; Lt. H. I. Riley; Lt. H. O. Ellis; Lt. W. C. Worthington; Lt. H. G. Armstrong; Lt. Wm. H. Stovall; Lt. S. E. Elliott and Lt. D. W. Howe, standing in front of a number of Spad 13's parked in a row. 338') Series of scenes of the following men walking toward camera, saluting, and exiting right frame: Capt. C. J. Biddle, three German planes shot down; Lt. Hobart Baker, one plane shotdown; Lt. G. F. Fisher, one plane shot down -- other members of the 13th Aero Squadron are standing in bg; several Spad 13's are parked in a row in bg. 358') MS four members of the 13th Aero Squadron putting on their flight suits and helmets beside a Spad 13 -- three of the pilots run to parked Spad 13's in bg near Tours, France, 18 July 1918. 410') MS four parked Spad 13's with engines running, start to taxi and pass out right frame, one by one -- several hangars in bg. 437') MS pan left to show hangars used by the Second Pursuit Squadron. MS personnel of the Second Pursuit Group, left to right: Maj. D. Johnson, Commanding Officer; Maj. Wm. Thaw, Commanding Officer l03rd Squadron; Capt. C. J. Biddle, Commanding Officer 13th Squadron; and Capt. D. L. Hill, Commanding Officer 139th Squadron -- pilots of the 2nd Squadron are standing beside a Spad 13 in bg; three other Spad 13's are parked in a row behind them. 489') MS pan right, members of the l03rd Aero Squadron, formerly of the Lafayette Escadrille, standing beside a parked Spad 13 -- three other Spad 13's are parked in bg. 504') Series of scenes as members of the l03rd Aero Squadron walk toward camera, salute, and exit left frame: Maj. Wi1liam Thaw, five German planes shot down; Lt. G. D. F. Larner, threedown; Lt. C. R. Merrick, one down; Lt. E. G. Tobin, three down; Lt. C. U. Ford, two down; Lt. G. E. Turnrue, three down; Lt. E. B. Jones, one down. 560') MS pan right to show members of the 139th Aero Squadron standing in front of a Spad 13 -- one pilot is holding a black dog -- three Spad 13's parked in bg. 570') MS members of the 139th Aero Squadron standing beside a Spad 13; Capt. D. L. Hill leaves group, walks toward camera, salutes, and exits right frame. 581') MLS FV two hangars -- two DH-4's in flight low over the ground in right frame, one behind the other. Camera pans left to show two other DH-4's in flight low over the ground, then holds on the four aircraft as they climb. 612') Series of scenes of a DH-4 in flight low over ground and four DH-4's landing singly. 657') MS pan right, nine Sopwith F-1 Camels of the 185th Aero Squadron, parked in a row -- pilots and ground crewmen are standing in front of their aircraft Rembercourt, France, 12 November 1918. 676') MS FV stationary Sopwith F-1 Camel -- burning flares are attached to wingtip of aircraft. 684') MLS low angle, four Air Service men standing atop a signal tower -- one of the soldiers fires a signal gun. 698') CU flare burning under the wing of a Sopwith F-l Camel. 696') LS a signal flare passes through and drops out lower frame. 700') MCU two Air Service pilots inspecting a 24 lb. copper bomb -- Sopwith F-1 Camel in bg. 713') MS pan right to show officers of the 9th Reconnaissance Squadron, standing between two parked Salmson 2 A.2's: Lt. R. E. Spake, Lt. D. W. Willard, Lt. M. F. Saunders, Lt. James H. Wray, Lt. G. E. Griffiths, Lt. G. L. Heck, Lt. R. Varger, Lt. John A. Scott, Lt. R. H. Russell, Lt. C. H. Smith, Lt. E. T. Green, Lt. R. C. McCord, Lt. Robert J. Fermum, Lt. E. F. Marlowe, Lt. E. M. Puder, Lt. W. H. Leininger, Lt. F. J. Buckley, Lt. W. W. Cordas, Lt. E. R. Kenneson, Lt. L. Ramaley, Lt. V. A. Craicunus, Lt. J. H. Pritchard, Lt. C. E. Kennedy, Lt. H. F. Slart, Lt. C. G. Blackard, Lt. F. Blekre, Lt. F. Spiegelbert, and Lt. P. S. Van Veghten. 737') MS pan right, eight Salmson 2 A.2's parked in a row -- crewman and pilots are standing in front of aircraft -- a ninth Salmson 2 A.2 is parked sideways facing right in the middle of the pan. 791') MS pan right to show officers of the First Aero Squadron: Lt. J. W. Corley, Lt. E. J. Tucker, Lt. A. H. Pouse, Lt. J. S. Farnum, Lt. R. T. Filling, Lt. A. E. Easterbrook, Lt. B. M. Espey, Lt. Paul Meyers, Capt. A. J. Coyle, Lt. G. M. Kibbe, Lt. H. K. Baisley, Lt. E. Grotecloss, and Lt. J. T. King; kneeling: Lt. R. L. Gaelaas, Lt. R. S. Coward, Lt. C. A. Henry, Lt. L. S. Burwash, Lt. Lee Rogers, Lt. S. L. Willets, Lt. J. A. Benson, Lt. L. F. Pendleton, Lt. V. T. Baird, Lt. W. D. Walsh, Lt. F. V. Yates, Lt. E. B. Markle, Lt. J. F. Carr, Lt. F. W. DeHaven, Lt. G. B. Bacon, Lt. M. P. Bryan, Lt. K. W. Nicholson, Lt. Roy U. Dabbs. 811') MS left SV Capt. A. J. Coyle and Lt. Eastbrook of the First Aero Squadron, standing beside their Salmson 2 A.2 -- MARY A, painted on side of aircraft. 842') MCU to LS observer standing in cockpit of Salmson 2 A.2 -- he waves to camera as aircraft taxis away -- dog in fg is looking at camera near end of scene. 848') MS pan right to show officers of the 24th Aero Squadron 1st Army, Observation Group, kneeling in front of A.R.l A.2's: Lt. C. Young, Lt. H. A. Mayforth, Lt. T. E. Meeham, Lt. L. P. Conroy, Lt. A. N. Swinebroad, Lt. Lewis McSpader, Lt. W. N. Davis, Lt. D. M. Roy, Lt. G. E. Goldthwaite, Lt. S. L. Holland, Lt. Y. N. Scoville, Lt. P. Adams: standing: Lt. F. P. Kirschner, Lt. F. H. Underhill, Lt. L. M. Selleck, Lt. W. R. Lokey, Lt. W. I. Daniell, Lt. B. F. Collins, Lt. C. W. Higgins. Lt. G. E. Hackett, Lt. C. C. Cottrell, Lt. F. A. Jensen, Lt. T. J. Nolan, Capt. Maury Hill, Capt. J. W. Couains, Lt. R. W. B. Cowan, Lt. A. B. Ferrell, Lt. L. A. Witishek, Lt. J. H. Wise, Lt. C. M. Heydecker, and Lt. W. R. Smith. 855') MCU Capt. Maury Hill, Commanding Officer, 24th Aero Squadron, and J. W. Cousins, Operations Officer, 24th Aero Squadron, standing beside the 24th Aero Squadron's insignia -- an eagle and a dog painted on the side of an aircraft. 868') MS a Breguet 14 A.2 taxiing toward camera and passing out left frame. 880') MLS a Breguet 14 A.2 in flight low over ground just after takeoff -- four hangars in bg. 884') MS Salmson 2 A.2 taxiing toward camera and passing out right frame. 893') MLS right SV a Salmson 2 A.2 taxiing on grassy field and passing out right frame. 897') MLS right SV Spad 7 C.1 in flight low over ground and passing out right frame just after takeoff. 899') Several scenes a Caproni three-engine bomber taxiing on grass field. 915') MS pan right, pilots and observers of the 88th and 284th Observation Squadrons standing in front of several parked Salmson 2 A.2's: Lt. Farrell, Lt. Wagner, Lt. Marshall, Lt. Bagby, Lt. Bernheimer, Lt. Babcock, Lt. McCordie, Lt. Murphy, Lt. link, Lt. Knowles, Lt. Thompson, Lt. Page, Lt. Childe, Lt. Knight, Lt. Anderson, Lt. Hogan, Lt. O'Keefe, Lt. Bleasant, Lt. Loud, Lt. Hulbram, Lt. Ensigh, Lt. Sigaitz, and Lt. Southall. 965') MS five French aviators standing in front of a Spad 13: Aspirant Laitheir, Capt. Gerard, Lt. Tongas, Lt. Pourard, Lt. Iacheze, and an unidentified French pilot. 983') Total footage in reel. Reel 3: Series of scenes of Lt. Russell and Lt. Benton of the RAF, standing beside, climbing into, and seated in the cockpit of a British R.E. 8 observation and bombing plane. 29') MS pan left with R.E. 8 making takeoff run and passing out left frame. 42') MLS pan left with R.E. 8 in flight over the around. 52') MS right FV seven Spad 7 C.1's with engines running, parked in a row -- ground crewmen are standing in front of the aircraft; hangar in bg. 56') LS AV Hanlen Field Hill No. 402, Chaumont, France, 4 June 1919 (this was the first American Aviation Field in France). 66') MLS right FV a Salmson 2 A.2 landing and passing out right frame. 70') LS to MS FV a Salmson 2 A.2 making approach for landing. 77') MS Lt. Marc Vogt and Lt. Jack Freeze debarking from their Salmson 2 A.2 and being greeted by several ground crewmen and a large number of children. 102') MS low angle, Lt. Vogt and a small girl in the forward cockpit of the Salmson 2 A.2 -- name painted on side of aircraft: ICKIE and below it, MASS. 110') MS ground crewman rolling a Salmson 2 A.2 out of a hangar toward camera and stopping -- two ground crewmen place chocks under wheel. 140') MS members of the 258th Aero Squadron standing in front of a Salmson 2 A.2, left to right: Lt. W. H. Beddow, LT. T. S. Craig, Lt. Lee Partridge, Lt. E. A. Mills, Lt. J. V. Anderson, Lt. J. W. Stiver, Lt. T. R. Scott, Lt. W. A. Brown, Lt. D. H. Montgomery, Lt. A. J. Mack, Lt. A. W. Einstein, Lt. G. C. Cameron, and Lt. J. Freeze. 154') Several scenes of soldiers and members of the Air Service standing around a crashed Brequet 14 A.2. 177') Series of shots of mechanics repairing a radiator with parts from a German plane; a mobile machine shop in the back of a truck; crashed aircraft; large piles of damaged airplane motors and scrap aluminum; a photographic airplane salvage dump; large stacks of spruce wood parts; a large number of crankcases; a large pile of electrical wiring; a damaged Salmson 2 A.2; French mechanics removing motor from damaged airplane; a badly damaged motor; large stacks of airplane wings and parts; scrap iron and bolts, gasoline tanks, a salvaged German plane; scrap iron; and airplane parts. 482') MLS pan left, large group of pilots and mechanics standing in front of three parked Salmson 2 A.2's. 496') MS pan left, pilots of the 147th Aero Squadron standing in front of a Spad 13, left to right: Lt. Oscar B. Meyers, Lt. Ralph A. O'Neill, Maj. H. E. Hartney, Lt. James P. Heron, Lt. T. W. McDermott, Lt. Arthur A. Jones, Lt. James A. Healey, Capt. J. A. Meissner, Lt. Francis E. Simonds, Lt. G. G. Willard, Lt. Edward G. Clouser, Lt. Charles P. Porter, Lt. Heyward Cutting, Lt. George J. Brew, Lt. C. C. Olive; sitting: Lt. W. P. Muther, Lt. G. Robertson, Lt. H. A. Andress, Lt. J. C. McAvery, Lt. F. C. Ennis, Lt. S. T. Pursell, Lt. J. W. Harvey, Lt. L. C. Semon, Lt. T. J. Abernathy, and Lt. J. P. Powe, Jr. 503') MCU Capt. J. C. Vasconcells, Commanding Officer, 185th Aero Squadron, and Lt. Donald Hudson, standing in front of an aircraft, Rembercourt, France 12 November 1918. 508') CU Capt. J. C. Vasconcells seated in cockpit of aircraft looking at camera. 511') CU Lt. R. C. Ferguson seated in cockpit of aircraft looking at camera. 520') MS pan right, staff officers at Air Service Headquarters: Maj. W. P. Kelleher, Capt. L. W. Miller, Lt. E. F. Schwab, Lt. William A. Summer -- building in bg. 538') CU Col. T. F. Dodd, Chief of Staff, standing in front of a building. 542') Lt. Col. J. P. C. Curry, Chief of Staff of Air Service, 2nd Army, standing against the wall of a building, Toul, France, 8 Novomber 19l8. 533') MCU Col. F. P. Lahm, Chief of Air Service, 2nd Army, talking to another officer -- building in bg. 567') MCU Capt. B. J. Saunders, Commanding Officer, 135th Aero Squadron, standing beside a DH-4 -- Statue of Liberty and rising sun are painted on side of aircraft. 582') MS pan right to show the remaining officers of the original 36 assigned to the 135th Aero Squadron, standing in front of a DH-4: Lt. W. A. Coleman, Lt. D. B. Cole, Lt. W. M. Jagoe, Lt. C. C. Fleet, Lt. E. M. Urband, Capt. B. J. Saunders, Lt. L. D. Schooks, Lt. P. C. Hart, Lt. M. J. Reed, Lt. Otto E. Bennel, and Lt. R. M. Scott. 613') MCU pan left, officers of the First Pursuit Group, left to right: Lt. D. Gorman Norbert, Asst. Operations 0fficer; Capt. J. C. Vasconcells, Commanding Officer, 185th Aero Squadron; Capt. A. A. Grant, Commanding Officer, 27th Aero Squadron; Capt. H. L. Lyster, Groups Adjutant; Maj. H. E. Hartney, Group Commander; Capt. J. G. Rankin; Lt. A. L. Cunningham; and Lt. C. P. Harrington, Rembercourt, France, 10 November 1918. 642') MS Col. T. W. DeMilling, Chief of Air Service, 1st Army, shaking hands with several members of his staff at Air Service Headquarters -- several officers standing against wall of building in bg, Souilly, France, 11 November 1918. 653') MS Col. F. P. Lahm, Chief of Air Service, 2nd Army, and Staff standing on the steps of a building -- Col. Lahm is in center of first row, Toul, France, 7 December 1918. 673') Series of scenes of 1st Lt. F. E. Kindley and 2nd Lt. D. W. Lewis, 4th Pursuit Group, Aviation Section, coming forward to be decorated. Col. F. P. Lahm, reads the citation; Lt. Gen. R. L. Bullard, Commanding General, 2nd Army, decorates Lt. Kindley with the Distinguished Service Cross and Lt. Lewis with the Croix de Guerre. Shows the reviewing party, left to right: 2nd Lt. D. W. Lewis; Lt. Gen. R. L. Bullard; Lt. Col. Breart de Boisanger, French Aviation Section; and 1st Lt. Kindley. Lt. Gen. Bullard, Col. Lahm and staff are reviewing the 4th Pursuit Group marching. Sequence of scenes of officers and men of the 91st, 94th and 12th Aero Squadron receiving the Distinguished Flying Crosses, including Lt. Co1. L. H. Brereton, who receives the Croix de Guerre from a French officer and the Distinguished Service Cross from Brig. Gen. William Mitchell at Coblenz, Rhenish Prussia, Germany, 10 January 1919. 894') Total footage in reel. Good (Basic: Dupe neg)

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SNAC Resource ID: 6496901

National Archives at College Park

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